Commercial Real Estate Transactions

Real Estate Deals: Wise Counsel and Cost-efficient Solutions From Beginning To End

Identifying and working through hidden legal issues, forming practical solutions without over-working a project, client education, and attention to detail. We know how to uncover and resolve title, boundary and survey-related issues and how to evaluate the title insurance necessary to protect your investment.  We keep deals on track, working closely with title companies, surveyors, environmental engineers, and brokers to work through due diligence and closing.

Preparation of solid but creative real estate agreements is central to our legal representation:

  • Declarations, CC&Rs, easements, shared use agreements, and restrictive covenants.
  • Disclosures, including public reports for timeshares, disclosure statements for Oregon condominiums, and public offerings for Washington common interest communities.
  • Solar and wind leases, easements, and options
  • Purchases and sales agreements
  • Office, medical, retail, industrial leases; marina and aircraft hangar leases
  • Public and private development agreements
  • Build-to-suit agreements and, ground leases
  • Cell tower and rooftop solar leasing
  • Financing, loan opinions, construction loan
  • Mortgages, deeds of trust, notes and loan agreements

Residential Project Transactions

Our firm has extensive experience with large and small residential project transactions:

  • Master planned communities in Washington and Oregon
  • Affordable housing: construction loans, grants, bond funds, and out-take financing (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA)
  • Multi-family projects; townhome and single-dwelling and ADUs, in  common interest community development
  • Fractional, vacation, and timeshare projects
  • New and conversion condominiums, including leasehold condominiums